New paper out: metagenomics study of poultry production environments

I am happy to say that myself and my collaborators in the Department of Occupational and Environmental Health here at the University of Iowa have had our recent work on the bacterial composition of poultry bioaerosols (i.e., the dust that poultry workers breath during their tasks) published in Microbial Biotechnology.   

The key figure from this work is the following heat map that illustrates the top taxa that are common to all 21 samples:


What is remarkable about whole-genome shotgun metagenomics is that we are not only surveying bacterial DNA, but also viral, fungal, archaeal, and eukaryotic DNA in one experiment.  You can see from the figure that certain viruses are found in all samples, but it is bacteria, particularly Lactobacillus and Salinicoccus, that are the most abundant.

Stay tuned because we will have a paper coming out soon on the fungal composition of these samples as well.   In the case of this paper, and our next manuscript, it is the first time whole-genome shotgun metagenomics has been applied to the field of environmental health in poultry environments.


Variant annotation and transcript choice


Transcript choice between methods

Variant annotation methods do not all behave the same way when choosing transcripts to annotate against.  This leads to differing outcomes in annotations which may arise from different logic structures in the algorithms or different user criteria for annotation.

Unfortunately, incorrect annotations or disagreement in annotation outcomes can lead investigators to waste resources tracking down variants of little interest or to miss severe variants of potential clinical significance.

In this first post in a series, I’ll talk briefly about differing outcomes owing to transcript choices when three popular methods (ANNOVAR, VEP, and SNPEff) are applied to a dataset of 81 million variants from the 1000Genomes project.

In this figure you can see the lack of concordance owing to transcript choice affects a surprisingly large number of variants.

variant annotation

This disagreement is largely owing to the way that intergenic variants are handled, assigning them to nearest genes or arbitrary categories like “unknown.”

To learn more about this problem and other issues with annotators and concordance between methods, check out our recent paper at biorxiv.   In part two, I’ll talk more about concordance between methods when annotators agree on transcript choice.

A Unix one-liner to scrape GI numbers from a SAM file

I recently had a situation where I needed to scrape out all of the GI numbers from a SAM alignment file.  My first instinct was to turn to python to accomplish this, but I forced myself to find a command line tool or set of tools to quickly do this task as a one-liner.  First, here is the format of the first two lines of the file:


HWI-D00635:61:C6RH0ANXX:4:1101:3770:8441 0 gi|599154892|gb|EYE94125.1| 1066 255 41M * 0 0 SNPDEMDGNILPWMVHLKRMALEVLKHLWSSKLAAFFTLSE * AS:i:88 NM:i:0 ZL:i:2534 ZR:i:217 ZE:f:3.9e-15 ZI:i:100 ZF:i:-2 ZS:i:125 MD:Z:41

HWI-D00635:61:C6RH0ANXX:4:1101:3770:8441 0 gi|115387347|ref|XP_001211179.1| 1065 255 41M * 0 0 SNPDEMDGNILPWMVHLKRMALEVLKHLWSSKLAAFFTLSE * AS:i:77 NM:i:8 ZL:i:1670 ZR:i:188 ZE:f:8.9e-12 ZI:i:80 ZF:i:-2 ZS:i:125 MD:Z:1Y3V3V11F11SSY3A1


You can see that what I want is the information between the pipes in the field “gi|#########|” .   Here is how I solved this with a bash script:

for file in *.sam
echo ${file}
cat ${file} | egrep -o  "\|\S*\|(\S*)\|" | sed 's/|/,/g' | cut -f 2 -d ',' > ${file}.out

To unpack this briefly, the “cat” command outputs each line of the file to stdout, which is redirected to “egrep.”   Egrep looks for the regular expression “\|\S*\|(\S*)\|”.   This expression searches for a pipe, followed by any number of characters, with another pipe, then more characters, then another pipe.  The pipes are escaped with a backslash “\”.

The next step is to pipe to “sed”, which takes the incoming stream and replaces the pipes with commas.  This output is sent to “cut”, which uses the commas as delimiters, and takes the second field.

There are probably shorter ways to do this (cutting on pipes, for example), but already attempting this at the command line saved me a lot of time over coding this in python.

Sequencing depth for accurate SNP calling: bcbio case study

Intuitively, it is easy to grasp that the more sequencing depth (i.e., the greater the number of reads covering any given position in the genome) the more accurate the calling of SNPs and indels (insertions/deletions).   But how much difference does this actually make in the real world?  Is 20X coverage dramatically worse than 30X (considered a standard coverage depth on genomes)?

To find out, I conducted an experiment with the bcbio pipeline, a bioinformatics pipeline solution built in python that allows for automated and reproducible analyses on high-performance computing clusters.  One feature of bcbio is that it can perform validation surveys using high-confidence consensus calls from reference genomes like the NA12878 Coriell sample (from the Genome in a Bottle project).
For NA12878, researchers collated consensus SNP and indel calls from a large variety of sequencing technologies and calling methods to produce a very high-confidence callset for training other methods or validating a sequencing workflow.  bcbio includes these variant calls and can easily be setup to validate these calls against a sequenced NA12878 genome.

The sequencing depth experiment

I started with a NA12878 genome sequenced to 30X sequencing depth.  To compare shallower depths, I subsampled the data to generate 20X, 10X, etc…  [Please note: data was not subsetted randomly, rather “slices” were taken from the 30X dataset] To look at a 60X coverage datapoint, I combined data from two sequencing runs on both flow cells of a HiSeq4000 instrument.

The results after validation are shown in Figure 1 (depth of coverage is along the x-axis):

sequencing depth
Fig 1. SNP discovery as a function of increasing coverage of the GIAB validation sample.


The figure shows that, as expected, when sequencing depth decreases  the error rate increases, and SNP discovery declines.   It also makes the case for the commonly held view that 30X is enough coverage for genomes, since going to 60X leads to almost unnoticeable improvement in the % found and a slight increase in error.  Performance really degrades at 12X and below, with poor discovery rates and unacceptably high error rates.

I will be submitting a short manuscript to soon describing this work in more detail.

Why you should think twice before rarefying your 16S data

According to a recent paper, the common practice of rarefying (randomly subsampling your 16S reads), is statistically incorrect and should be abandoned in favor of more sophisticated ‘mixture-model’ approaches favored by RNA-Seq analysis software.

The authors give a basic thought experiment to help clarify their reasoning.   I’ve copied the figure below.  It basically shows what happens when one rarifies library “B” from 1000 reads to 100 reads in order to match library “A.”  This is a standard procedure, even in the QIIME workflow.  By dividing the library size by 10, the variance of the data in B goes up by 10, and thus the statistical power to differentiate between OTU1 and OTU2’s abundances in samples A and B is lost.

Fig 1. An example of the effect of rarefying on statistical power.
Fig 1. An example of the effect of rarefying on statistical power.

As the authors point out in the paper:

“Although rarefying does equalize variances, it does so only by inflating the variances in all samples to the largest (worst) value among them at the cost of discriminating power (increased uncertainty). “

The solution to the rarefying problem is to take advantage of methods from the RNA-Seq world in order to determine differential taxonomic abundances, just as differential transcript abundances are calculated by the same methods.   The R package, phyloseq, provides an R container for taxonomic datasets from Qiime (in the BIOM format).  It also provides a convenient set of extensions that allow analysis of this data with RNA-Seq methods like edgeR and DESeq2.