Bcbio RNA-seq ‘under the hood’

Bcbio is a configuration-based pipeline manager for common NGS workflows. It uses a YAML-config file to set all of the inputs and specifications for pipeline. I’ve used bcbio for dozens of RNA-seq projects, but I’ve never known exactly what it is doing during the pipeline itself. This is because in order to see the exact commands being run you have to either dig into the code, or dig through the log files.

Digging through code is difficult because the code base is large and there are many different pieces of code that call each other. Digging through the logs is difficult when there are dozens of samples (each command is repeated dozens of times, leading to log files with thousands of lines). Well, I finally gave in and sorted through the RNA-seq pipeline command logs to identify the unique steps that bcbio (version 1.0.8) is performing in order to produce its results. I was able to identify 21 unique steps that are performed on each sample.

The difficulty of figuring out exactly what a configuration-based pipeline like bcbio is going to do is one argument in favor of using software like snakemake or nextflow to create or adapt existing pipelines, where the actual steps in the pipeline are made very explicit in “process” blocks. I’m going to be writing more about NextFlow in upcoming posts.

Of these 21 steps, 17 steps all deal with creating a BAM file and then manipulating that BAM file or calculating something about the BAM file. The remainder mainly deal with pseudo-alignment using salmon. It’s somewhat ironic that most of the pipeline and computational time is taken up with creating and manipulating BAM files since I only ever use the salmon pseudo-alignments in my downstream analysis.

Here are the 21 steps of the bcbio RNA-seq workflow (I’ve deleted the long, user-specific file paths to show just the commands):

Step 1. Align with Hisat2

hisat2 --new-summary -x bcbio-1.0.8/genomes/Hsapiens/hg38/hisat2/hg38 -p 16 --phred33 --rg-id SW872_CAMTA1_rep1 --rg PL:illumina --rg PU:1_2019-03-11_to_setup_bcbio --rg SM:SW872_CAMTA1_rep1 -1 SW872_CAMTA1_rep1_R1.fastq.gz -2 SW872_CAMTA1_rep1_R2.fastq.gz
--known-splicesite-infile bcbio-1.0.8/genomes/Hsapiens/hg38/rnaseq/ref-transcripts-splicesites.txt 

Step 2/3. Pipe to bamsormadup and redirect to sorted BAM

| bamsormadup inputformat=sam threads=12 tmpfile=work/bcbiotx/tmplsr55j/SW872_CAMTA1_rep1-sort-sorttmp-markdup 
SO=coordinate indexfilename=work/bcbiotx/tmplsr55j/SW872_CAMTA1_rep1-sort.bam.bai >  work/bcbiotx/tmplsr55j/SW872_CAMTA1_rep1-sort.bam

Step 4. Index BAM

samtools index -@ 16 work/align/SW872_TAZ4SA_rep3/SW872_TAZ4SA_rep3-sort.bam /work/bcbiotx/tmpsqOnZQ/SW872_TAZ4SA_rep3-sort.bam.bai

Step 5. Samtools sort by read names

samtools sort -@ 16 -m 2457M -O BAM -n -T work/bcbiotx/tmpqFmCaf/SW872_CAMTA1_rep1-sort.nsorted-sort -o /work/bcbiotx/tmpqFmCaf/SW872_CAMTA1_rep1-sort.nsorted.bam /work/align/SW872_CAMTA1_rep1/SW872_CAMTA1_rep1-sort.bam

Step 6. Sambamba view to select only primary alignments

sambamba view -t 16 -f bam -F "not secondary_alignment" work/align/SW872_CAMTA1_rep1/SW872_CAMTA1_rep1-sort.nsorted.bam> work/bcbiotx/tmp0zhZuj/SW872_CAMTA1_rep1-sort.nsorted.primary.bam

Step 7. FeatureCounts to count primary alignments in BAM

featureCounts -a /Dedicated/IIHG-argon/bcbio-1.0.8/genomes/Hsapiens/hg38/rnaseq/ref-transcripts.gtf -o work/bcbiotx/tmp77coEk/SW872_CAMTA1_rep1.counts -s 0 -p -B -C work/align/SW872_CAMTA1_rep1/SW872_CAMTA1_rep1-sort.nsorted.primary.bam

Step 8. Gffread to write a fasta file with spliced exons

gffread -g /Dedicated/IIHG-argon/bcbio-1.0.8/genomes/Hsapiens/hg38/seq/hg38.fa -w work/bcbiotx/tmpNpBGRC/hg38.fa.tmp /Dedicated/IIHG-argon/bcbio-1.0.8/genomes/Hsapiens/hg38/rnaseq/ref-transcripts.gtf

Step 9. Build the salmon index

salmon index -k 31 -p 16 -i /work/bcbiotx/tmpTQDS7X/hg38 -t work/inputs/transcriptome/hg38.fa

Step 10. Pseudo-alignment and quantification

salmon quant -l IU -i work/salmon/index/hg38 -p 16 --gcBias -o work/bcbiotx/tmpE_RRDN/quant   -1 <(gzip -cd /merged/SW872_CAMTA1_rep1_R1.fastq.gz) -2 <(gzip -cd /merged/SW872_CAMTA1_rep1_R2.fastq.gz) --numBootstraps 30

Step 11. Convert salmon output to sleuth format

Rscript -e 'library("wasabi"); prepare_fish_for_sleuth(c("work/bcbiotx/tmpE_RRDN/quant"))'

Step 12. Downsample BAM file with samtools view

samtools view -O BAM -@ 16 -o work/bcbiotx/tmphaXqSf/SW872_CAMTA1_rep1-sort-downsample.bam -s 42.269 work/align/SW872_CAMTA1_rep1/SW872_CAMTA1_rep1-sort.bam

Step 13. FASTQC on downsampled BAM

export PATH=/Dedicated/IIHG-argon/bcbio-1.0.8/anaconda/bin:$PATH &&  /Dedicated/IIHG-argon/bcbio-1.0.8/galaxy/../anaconda/bin/fastqc -d work/qc/SW872_CAMTA1_rep1/bcbiotx/tmpgOv610 -t 16 --extract -o work/qc/SW872_CAMTA1_rep1/bcbiotx/tmpgOv610 -f bam work/qc/SW872_CAMTA1_rep1/SW872_CAMTA1_rep1-sort-downsample.bam

Step 14. Run Qualimap RNAseq on BAM

unset DISPLAY && export PATH=/Dedicated/IIHG-argon/bcbio-1.0.8/anaconda/bin:$PATH &&  /Dedicated/IIHG-argon/bcbio-1.0.8/galaxy/../anaconda/bin/qualimap rnaseq -outdir work/bcbiotx/tmpACJXgn/SW872_CAMTA1_rep1 -a proportional -bam work/align/SW872_CAMTA1_rep1/SW872_CAMTA1_rep1-sort.bam -p non-strand-specific -gtf /Dedicated/IIHG-argon/bcbio-1.0.8/genomes/Hsapiens/hg38/rnaseq/ref-transcripts.gtf --java-mem-size=59g

Step 15. A SED command (not sure exactly what it does)

sed -i 's/bam file = .*/bam file = SW872_CAMTA1_rep1.bam/' work/bcbiotx/tmpACJXgn/SW872_CAMTA1_rep1/rnaseq_qc_results.txt

Step 16. Mark duplicates on the BAM file

bammarkduplicates tmpfile=work/bcbiotx/tmpNdl3wy/SW872_CAMTA1_rep1-sort-dedup-markdup markthreads=16 I=work/align/SW872_CAMTA1_rep1/SW872_CAMTA1_rep1-sort.bam O=work/bcbiotx/tmprVQeKM/SW872_CAMTA1_rep1-sort-dedup.bam

Step 17. Index de-duplicated BAM file

samtools index -@ 16 work/align/SW872_CAMTA1_rep1/SW872_CAMTA1_rep1-sort-dedup.bam work/bcbiotx/tmpFAzLLT/SW872_CAMTA1_rep1-sort-dedup.bam.bai

Step 18. Use Sambamba view to create duplicate metrics

sambamba view --nthreads 16 --count -F 'duplicate and not unmapped' work/align/SW872_CAMTA1_rep1/SW872_CAMTA1_rep1-sort-dedup.bam >> work/bcbiotx/tmpJS4s1r/dup_metrics.txt

Step 19. Use Sambamba to create mapping metrics

sambamba view --nthreads 16 --count -F 'not unmapped' work/align/SW872_CAMTA1_rep1/SW872_CAMTA1_rep1-sort-dedup.bam >> work/bcbiotx/tmpJS4s1r/dup_metrics.txt

Step 20. Samtools stats on sorted BAM

samtools stats -@ 16 work/align/SW872_CAMTA1_rep1/SW872_CAMTA1_rep1-sort.bam > /work/bcbiotx/tmpUPSiOz/SW872_CAMTA1_rep1.txt

Step 21. Samtools idxstats on sorted BAM

samtools idxstats work/align/SW872_CAMTA1_rep1/SW872_CAMTA1_rep1-sort.bam > work/bcbiotx/tmpSKFNZQ/SW872_CAMTA1_rep1-idxstats.txt

To impute or not to impute scRNA-seq datasets?

Single-cell RNA-Seq methods, which sequence and barcode the transcripts within individual cells in a sample, hold enormous promise for understanding transcriptional networks in development and disease. Single-cell investigation of biological phenomena is taking the life sciences world by storm. For example, Science magazine selected single-cell methods as the 2018 “Breakthrough of the Year.”

Closer to home, our bioinformatics group here at the University of Iowa is also seeing a rapid increase in the number of scRNA-seq projects in the research pipeline. Yet with all of this interest and funding, scRNA-seq is still an emerging field with little agreement on best practices.

We see evidence of this when considering one of the main problems of scRNA-seq datasets: dropouts. ‘Dropouts’ are zero-values in the data arising from technical and biological noise. Often the dropout rate can reach up to 90% or more, degrading the ability of the analysis to detect fine structure in the data and low- and moderately expressed DE genes between cell types.

One way to combat this problem is to borrow information across genes within a sample and use that to predict imputed expression values for the missing genes. Another related approach is called data ‘smoothing,’ that attempts to lower the noise in observed values. There are several methods (MAGIC, scImpute, DrImpute, and SAVER) that have been published recently that attempt to do one or both of these approaches. While the authors of each method focus on the advantages of imputation, there can also be drawbacks caused by an increase in false-positives and loss of specificity.

A recent paper by Andrews and Hemberg address the potential drawbacks with imputation in a very concise and clear way using both simulated and real-world data. Figure 1 (below) from this paper shows very clearly the perils of doing imputation on false positive rates and spurious gene-gene correlations.

Performance on simulated scRNA-seq data

Figure 1A. Gene-gene correlations before (left) and after imputation with five methods (right). Red bars are highly-expressed DE genes, and blue bars are lowly-expressed DE genes. Gray bar are non-DE genes in this simulated dataset.

Somewhat dramatically, DrImpute and MAGIC introduce strong false positive correlations, while SAVER only strengthens existing correlations between lowly expressed DE genes. As you can see in part B of this figure below, parameter tuning also has a dramatic effect on the false positive rate in some cases. Increasing the k-neighbors for MAGIC and KNN methods increases smoothing and also false positives. SAVER and scImpute are relatively immune to changes in FPR with parameter space.

Figure 1B. False positive gene correlation rates as a function of algorithm parameters.

You can’t have your cake and eat it, too

In this next figure, the authors look at the trade-off between sensitivity and specificity in imputation methods on simulated datasets. It shows clearly that any improvements to sensitivity of DE gene detection come at a significant cost of specificity, and vice versa.

Detection of DE genes in simulated data.

The authors go on to show that on real data, every method including SAVER generates large numbers of false positives. In summary, imputation, while potentially promising, is limited owing to the lack of an independent reference (as in the case of GWAS imputation methods) to impute from. Since single-cell imputation methods rely only on the dataset itself, one cannot escape the sensitivity/specificity tradeoff and false-positive problem.

Importing a merged Seurat dataset into Monocle

I recently ran across a situation that I think is going to be increasingly common as I do more and more single-cell analyses.   Specifically, I had a project where the investigator had several experiments in related conditions that they want to merge and evaluate with a pseudotime analysis.   I could not find any useful tools within Monocle itself for merging data (please correct me in the comments if I’m missing something).   It looks as if you have to import a pre-merged seurat dataset.

Here is the workaround that I found [please note these commands are for Seurat v2, they will likely *not* work in v3]:

naive.data <- Read10X(data.dir = paste0(base_dir, "naive_outs/filtered_gene_bc_matrices/mm10/"))
naive <- CreateSeuratObject(raw.data = naive.data, min.cells = 3, min.genes = 200, project = "10X_naive")

lcmv.data <- Read10X(data.dir = paste0(base_dir, "lcmv_outs/filtered_gene_bc_matrices/mm10/"))
lcmv <- CreateSeuratObject(raw.data = lcmv.data, min.cells = 3, min.genes = 200, project = "10X_lcmv")

pygp.data <- Read10X(data.dir = paste0(base_dir, "pygp_outs/filtered_gene_bc_matrices/mm10/"))
pygp <- CreateSeuratObject(raw.data = pygp.data, min.cells = 3, min.genes = 200, project = "10X_pygp")

cd4.combined <- MergeSeurat(object1 = naive, object2 = lcmv, add.cell.id1 = "naive", add.cell.id2 = "lcmv")
cd4.combined <- AddSamples(object = cd4.combined, new.data = pygp.data, add.cell.id = "pygp")

cd4.combined@raw.data <- as.matrix(cd4.combined@raw.data)
cd4.monocle <- importCDS(cd4.combined, import_all = TRUE)

Here, I am reading in 10X data using Seurat (v2) w/ the Read10X function and then creating the Seurat object with CreateSeuratObject.

Once this done I use MergeSeurat to merge the first two experiments, and then AddSamples to add in the final experiment.   Then we can take advantage of the monocle function importCDS to import the combined object into monocle.

Now there is one final problem and that is that the “orig.ident” field is blank:




To recover the original identity of each cell, we can use the updated cell names from the merged Seurat dataset (i.e., “naive_AAACTGAGAAACCGA”).   We just need to split these and recover which experiment each cell came from with:

cellnames <- rownames(pData(cd4.monocle))
orig_ident <- sapply(strsplit(cellnames, split = "_"), '[', 1)
pData(cd4.monocle)$orig.ident <- orig_ident

We do a strsplit on the cellnames, splitting on underscore. The first value from the split in each case is assigned back into the ‘orig.ident’ field of the cell dataset object.

Now you’re ready to continue with the normal downstream analysis in monocle.  With dimensionality reduction and clustering done (not shown), we can plot the calculated clusters side-by-side with the experiment of origin (from the merged seurat dataset):

p1 <- plot_cell_clusters(cd4.monocle, color_by = 'orig.ident')
p2 <- plot_cell_clusters(cd4.monocle) #color_by cluster is default behavior

And we get:

The PCA clusters on the tSNE plot (left) and orig.ident values on the tSNE plot (right). I have edited out the identities of the clusters on the right. This is unpublished data, I am using it here for educational purposes only. Please do not reproduce or copy this image.


New “10 simple rules” paper for bioinformatics collaborations coming soon…

Excited to announce that I’ve been working with some fantastic computational biologists (that I met at ISMB2018) on a “10 simple rules” style paper for creating and promoting effective bioinformatics collaborations with wet-lab biologists.  We will leverage our many years of combined bioinformatics core experience to create these “10 simple rules.”

We will touch on:

–experiment planning and design.

–data management plans, data QC, and record keeping.

–avoiding batch effects and contamination.

–managing expectations and developing clear communications.

–handling low-quality data when things do go wrong.

Hope to have this out by the end of 2018…watch this space!

Artificial neural network classification of copy number variation, part 2


Welcome to the second part of this post series on building artificial neural network models for copy number classification.  In the first part, I described the problem with interpreting copy-ratio plots to find clinically-relevant CNV events.  The data from targeted capture deep sequencing are noisy and biased, and finding clinically-relevant genotypes in genes that have CNVs requires the analyst to visualize the CNV event and assign a classification on the basis of experience and expert knowledge.

The LASSO model

Once my training data were in place (see part 1), I used a multiple linear regression LASSO model as a machine-learning benchmark.  I did this to determine whether a more powerful neural network model would be warranted.   The LASSO model uses an “L1” prior to perform feature selection, setting some coefficients to zero as warranted by the data.   There is ample precedent for applying this type of model in bioinformatics settings where the goal is maximize predictive power without overfitting.

I fit the LASSO to the data, with 33% held out for validation.  The best fit was obtained with the alpha parameter set to 0.001.  k-fold cross validation (where k=10 and alpha=0.001) yielded an accuracy of 76%.   These results are surprisingly good, given the complexity of the CNV signals in the noisy data.  Unfortunately, 76% accuracy is simply not good enough for an automated method that will be used to predict genotypes in clinical data.

The ANN model

Next, I decided to construct an artificial neural network model.  My goal was to keep the model as simple as possible, while reaching a very high classification accuracy needed for clinical work.   To that end I constructed a one hidden-layer model with 19 input nodes corresponding to the 19 copy-ratio probes in the CNV data.  The output layer contained five nodes, corresponding to the five classes of defined CNV event or other event (for example, a very distinct sequencing artifact that kept appearing in the data):


In between the input and output layers I constructed a 10-node hidden layer.   A one hidden-layer neural network is the simplest form of the ANN model, and I tried to keep the number of hidden-layer nodes to a minimum as well.  Specific details about the model, hyper-parameter tuning, and the code will be available in the near future when I put a pre-print of this work on biorxiv.

Model training and cross-validation

I trained the model on the 175 sample dataset and on a 350 sample “synthetic” dataset created by adding gaussian “noise” to the real data.  The results are shown below, across 250 training epochs.

When the ANN model was tested with 10-fold cross validation, the accuracy reached a level of 96.5% (+/- 5.4%).   This is obviously a big improvement on the LASSO model, and reaches a level of accuracy that is good enough for clinical pipelines (with the caveat that low confidence predictions will still be checked “by hand.”)

Below, I’m showing a sample of the model output (left) and ground truth (right) from the test data.  The numbers (and colors) of the boxes correspond to the model’s probability in that classification.  You can see that most CNV events are called with high probability, but several (yellow boxes) are called correctly but with lower probability.   One event (red box) is called incorrectly with high probability.

Conclusions and caveats

Going into this project, I had no idea if the ANN model would be able to make predictions on the basis of so few examples in the training set.  The classic examples you see about ANN/CNN models rely on handwriting training sets with 10,000 or more images.   So I was surprised when the model did very well with extremely limited training data.   Since this method was developed for a clinical pipeline, it can be improved as the pipeline generates new training data with each new patient sample.  We would need many thousands of samples through our “legacy” pipeline to see enough examples of the rare star allele events in CYP2D6 that we could then classify them.  That is why I limited my CNV calling to three star alleles.

The low confidence, true positive predictions concern me less than the high confidence false negative.  Missing a real CNV that has impact on CYP2D6 function and therefore clinical relevance is very dangerous.  This can lead to incorrect prescribing and adverse drug reactions for the patient.   I really want to understand why the method makes predictions like this, and how to fix it.  Unfortunately, I believe it will require a lot more training data to solve this problem and that is something I lack.

My goals for this project now are 1) to publish a preprint on biorxiv describing this work and 2) to obtain some additional training/test datasets.   Because our pharmacogenomics test is not generating the kind of volume we expected, I may have to look around for another gene with clinically-relevant CNV events to test this method further.   For example, we do have an NGS-based test of hearing and deafness genes with thousands of validated patient samples.  One gene, STRC, has relevant CNVs that are complex and require analyst visualization to detect.  This may be a good system for follow up refinement of this type of model.