A Unix one-liner to scrape GI numbers from a SAM file

I recently had a situation where I needed to scrape out all of the GI numbers from a SAM alignment file.  My first instinct was to turn to python to accomplish this, but I forced myself to find a command line tool or set of tools to quickly do this task as a one-liner.  First, here is the format of the first two lines of the file:


HWI-D00635:61:C6RH0ANXX:4:1101:3770:8441 0 gi|599154892|gb|EYE94125.1| 1066 255 41M * 0 0 SNPDEMDGNILPWMVHLKRMALEVLKHLWSSKLAAFFTLSE * AS:i:88 NM:i:0 ZL:i:2534 ZR:i:217 ZE:f:3.9e-15 ZI:i:100 ZF:i:-2 ZS:i:125 MD:Z:41

HWI-D00635:61:C6RH0ANXX:4:1101:3770:8441 0 gi|115387347|ref|XP_001211179.1| 1065 255 41M * 0 0 SNPDEMDGNILPWMVHLKRMALEVLKHLWSSKLAAFFTLSE * AS:i:77 NM:i:8 ZL:i:1670 ZR:i:188 ZE:f:8.9e-12 ZI:i:80 ZF:i:-2 ZS:i:125 MD:Z:1Y3V3V11F11SSY3A1


You can see that what I want is the information between the pipes in the field “gi|#########|” .   Here is how I solved this with a bash script:

for file in *.sam
echo ${file}
cat ${file} | egrep -o  "\|\S*\|(\S*)\|" | sed 's/|/,/g' | cut -f 2 -d ',' > ${file}.out

To unpack this briefly, the “cat” command outputs each line of the file to stdout, which is redirected to “egrep.”   Egrep looks for the regular expression “\|\S*\|(\S*)\|”.   This expression searches for a pipe, followed by any number of characters, with another pipe, then more characters, then another pipe.  The pipes are escaped with a backslash “\”.

The next step is to pipe to “sed”, which takes the incoming stream and replaces the pipes with commas.  This output is sent to “cut”, which uses the commas as delimiters, and takes the second field.

There are probably shorter ways to do this (cutting on pipes, for example), but already attempting this at the command line saved me a lot of time over coding this in python.

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